Can You Still Sell Your House During The Coronavirus Pandemic in San Antonio?

Can You Still Sell Your House During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

We are dealing with extraordinary times! Just last month we were going on with our lives as usual, then COVID-19 came in and tossed the world on its head. As all of us adjust to these changing ways of life, people are questioning if everything has just stopped? The response is no. Whether we are working from home, learning virtually, or staying up to date with good friends through video calls, things are still moving right along. We are a strong city, situated in a strong nation. Adapting to change is what we do. Lone Star Real Estate Solutions LLC is committed to assisting you with all of your real estate needs no matter what is going on worldwide. If you are wondering if you can sell your house during the coronavirus, below are a few of the questions we have actually been getting since all of this started. If you have any other questions, we are more than happy to address them. Please connect to Lone Star Real Estate Solutions LLC today at 210-794-6869.

Can you still sell your house during the coronavirus pandemic?

Definitely! There are still lots of homes being sold, both on the traditional market and with direct home buyers. Buyers usually go online to browse for houses, and right now they have more time to do it! Sites like Facebook and Zillow have actually reported increases in traffic as individuals are spending more time in the home.

What if I need to sell right away?

Were you already stuck in a tough situation before all of this began? We’ve talked to people who are in foreclosure, people who’ve needed to sell before purchasing another house, people who have renters in their home, and couples that are going through a divorce and need to sell. We totally understand your needs and concerns and will do whatever we can quickly sell your house during the coronavirus while still getting an excellent price!

How can Lone Star Real Estate Solutions LLC help me sell my house in San Antonio with everything going on?

First of all, let’s get on a call to discuss your selling objectives and your situation. We can either talk on the phone, meet on a Google Hangout, have a Zoom call, or Facetime, whatever is the most convenient for you. We can even do a property walk through with you by means of a video conference! All of this can be done from the convenience of your home without needing to come in to contact with anybody or go anywhere. No matter what is going on out there, we are still able to serve you, figure out the value of your home, and help you sell it quickly.

Should I wait for the Coronavirus to be over before trying to sell my house?

Definitely not! Now is an excellent time to sell due to the fact that there is less competition! Lots of people are holding back, nevertheless, there are still people out there who are prepared to purchase your house today! Buyers are starving for properties, and yours may be the one that will catch their eye. By getting the selling procedure started right now, it ensures that you’ll have the ability to sell faster than those who wait.

Can I stay in the house until this is all over?

You might be reluctant to sell right now due to the fact that you do not want to find someplace else to live during all of this. If you need to remain in the house until all of this has subsided, we are happy to work with you. We are extremely flexible in our process and will do whatever it takes to make it simple for you to sell your house during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Tips From the CDC

While we desire to serve our community in the very best way we can through all of this, we also want people to stay safe and vigilant. The CDC is constantly updating its information to help keep individuals protected from this terrible virus. Remember to clean your hands often, avoid touching your face, and disinfect the common surface areas throughout the house. Most importantly, check in with your neighbors to ensure they are doing ok and have the supplies they require. We’re all in this together!

If you’ve had to deal with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, either from being infected or not being able to work, we understand you might need to sell your home now more than ever before. A tough situation you have actually been dealing with before all of this began might now be more pronounced, pressing you even more into a sale. Our team understands what you’re going through. We are here for you and are prepared to help you with any difficult situation you might be dealing with. Please call us at any time. 210-794-6869

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